Welcome to our resource section for NeoResus program Facilitators.

Access to this section of the NeoResus website requires a username and password to log in.

NeoResus Facilitators whose hospital or area health service have purchased a NeoResus licence have unlimited access to the teaching resources for the program. Your log in details will be be provided by the NeoResus Coordinator in your state.

Facilitator Training Resources can be found here (log in required)

  Accessing the Facilitators resources:
  • All NeoResus Facilitators need a username and password to access this section of the site.
  • Access will be provided to NeoResus Facilitators who complete NeoResus Facilitator training.
  • We will create new profiles for our Facilitators in Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland and New South Wales.
  • Please contact contact PIPER Neonatal Education for more information about this process.

 Smart Phones and Tablets

  • You can save the site to your smart phone (Apple or android) or tablet easily in just two steps:
  1. Open www.neoresus.org.au in the browser on your smart phone or tablet (Safari, Firefox or Google).
  2. Tap “Save to home screen”.
  3. The NeoResus home page should now appear as an icon on your device.


Registered NeoResus Facilitators can  apply for access to premium content.
Access will be denied if you are not a registered NeoResus Facilitator. 


If you are in Victoria, Australia:

  • Access to the Facilitator’s resources will be offered to program coordinators and Facilitators in hospitals who are hosting a NeoResus First Response or Advanced Resuscitation Program with PIPER-Neonatal Education.
  • Access to the Facilitators resources will be included in the cost of your NeoResus program.
  • Please discuss these costs with the PIPER Facilitator who is coordinating your NeoResus program.
  • If you wish to book a NeoResus program, please telephone our toll free number on 1300 662 434 or email: contact PIPER Neonatal Education.


If you are in Queensland, Australia. Contact the Queensland Health NeoResus Coordinator.


If you are in Tasmania, Australia. Contact the Tasmania Health NeoResus Coordinator.


If you are in another state in Australia:

  • Your area health service or health-care group can apply for access to use our resources for an annual fee.
  • The cost will be subject to the number of sites in your area health service who wish to utilise the resources.
  • Please contact our Medical Director Dr Michael Stewart, to discuss the suitability of the NeoResus program for your needs.


If you are outside of Australia:

  • Please contact our Medical Director Dr Michael Stewart to discuss the suitability of the NeoResus program for your needs.


Facilitators Resources: Overview of content (Log in required)

Registered NeoResus Faciliators have to unlimited access to the key teaching resources for the program, including multiple choice questions for content knowledge assessment, resuscitation scenarios, debriefing guides, participant records and certificates of attendance.


Adult learning principles

Presentations for on screen viewing and for download

Facilitating groups of adult learners

  • This presentation is recommended reading for all NeoResus program Facilitators.

Principles of adult learning

  • Additional reading and web based resources for NeoResus program Facilitators.


Multiple choice questions

  • NeoResus program participants are expected to complete on-line learning prior to attending their First Response or Advanced Resuscitation program.
  • Successful completion of a multiple choice quiz is also required to test basic content knowledge prior to attending a First Response or Advanced Resuscitation program.
  • All questions and responses are based on the Australian Resuscitation Council’s Newborn Resuscitation Guidelines (2010) and content from the NeoResus web site.
  • Facilitators can choose the number of questions they wish to utilise and the minimum pass mark for participants to achieve.

First Response multiple choice questions

  • A pool of 50 multiple choice questions and answers pertaining to First Response interventions.

Advanced Resuscitation multiple choice questions

  • A pool of 40 multiple choice questions and answers pertaining to Advanced Resuscitation interventions.


Multidisciplinary training and skills practice

Scenarios: First Response

  • The use of scenarios in multidisciplinary training and skills practice.
  • Scenario 1: The infant born by emergency LSCS at 36 weeks gestation following maternal antepartum haemorrhage.
  • Scenario 2: The post-term infant born through meconium stained amniotic fluid at 41+5 weeks gestation.
  • Scenario 3: The term infant, depressed at birth following shoulder dystocia.

Tools for Facilitators

  • Confidentiality agreement for program participants
  • Debriefing guide for Facilitators
  • Key behavioural skills in simulation based training
  • Recommended reading

Paperwork for face-to-face training programs:

First Response, Advanced Resuscitation and Facilitators Workshop

Attendance Records

  • Attendance record: First Response
  • Attendance record: Advanced Resuscitation
  • Attendance record: Facilitators Workshop

Allocation of Trainees and Facilitators

  • Allocation of Trainees and Facilitators: First Response
  • Allocation of Trainees and Facilitators: Advanced Resuscitation
  • Allocation of Trainees and Facilitators: Facilitators Workshop

Clinical Skills Workshop Objectives: A set of these can be laminated for each skills station

  • First Response
  • Advanced Resuscitation
  • Key behavioral skills in simulation based training (used in First Response & Advanced Resuscitation)

Program Evaluation and Feedback forms

  • First Response
  • Advanced Resuscitation
  • Facilitators Workshop

Program Outlines (Templates)

  • First Response
  • Advanced Resuscitation
  • Facilitators Workshop

Facilitators Workshops

Click here for information about NeoResus Facilitator training.