4.3. Management of fluids and electrolytes


In the first 24 hours after birth, the fluid requirement for a newborn infant is 60mL/kg/day

Type of fluid

Glucose: 10%

Calculating the hourly intravenous rate

(Birth weight in kg x 60) divided by 24 (hours)

Birth weight in kg x 60 = Hourly rate

For example, for a 3.0 kg infant, the calculation would be:

3.0 x 60 = 7.5 mL per hour


Sites for administration of fluids

  • Peripheral intravenous cannula (IV)
  • Umbilical venous catheter (UVC)
  • Intraosseous infusion (IO) if the above two sites cannot be accessed


All intravenous and intraosseous fluids should be infused via an infusion pump. The rate should be set and checked every hour.


Intravenous additives

  • Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are usually not required in the first 24 hours after birth.


Special circumstances

Some newborn infants have specific fluid requirements. Consult with the PIPER Consultant or a neonatologist at a tertiary centre for fluid requirements in the following infants:

  • Extremely low birth weight infants <1000 g
  • Infants with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)
  • Infants with suspected shock
  • Infants with suspected or confirmed blood loss



Click here to access the Neonatal Worksheet, which will assist you to calculate the total fluid requirements for a given gestational age and birth weight.


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