Advanced Resuscitation
Overview of Advanced Resuscitation
Advanced Resuscitation comprises a theoretical (web based) learning component and a practical (skills based) training program. This program comprises all components of the First Response program, plus additional theory, advanced newborn resuscitation skills and advanced scenarios.
Attendance at a First Response program is not a prerequisite for attending this program, as all components of the First Response program are included. You are welcome to attend both programs if you wish to.
The theoretical component:
The theoretical component of the program comprises a self paced e-Learning module (online) and review of web-based learning modules.
Once you register for the Advanced Resuscitation program, you will receive a link to complete the online e-Learning module.
You will also need to review two web-based learning modules which must be completed prior to attending the Advanced Resuscitation practical training program. These modules are:
- Module 1: Key concepts and guidelines
- Module 4: Post resuscitation care
The learning modules are supported by a number of powerpoint presentations for you to view on screen or to download.
You will also find a number of other helpful links including access to recommended newborn resuscitation research publications, frequently asked questions and responses, a list of recommended equipment and drugs for newborn resuscitation and links to other relevant web sites in the learning resources section of the web site,
These are all provided as additional resources for you and are not prerequisite reading prior to attending an Advanced Resuscitation practical training program nor prior to undertaking your Advanced Resuscitation online competency. However, review of these resources is highly recommended, especially for those advanced trainees who wish to become NeoResus Facilitators.
The practical component:
Module 3: Advanced Resuscitation (Practical training program)
Program outline: (Example program- subject to minor variations) NeoResus Advanced Resuscitation 2025
Format: Face-to-face multidisciplinary training and skills practice.
Once you have a position confirmed in a Advanced Resuscitation practical training program, your local NeoResus course Coordinator will advise you of the venue and your start time.
Course Pre-requisites:
Prior to attending a practical training program you will need to review the course prerequisites. Please click on the link below to view and/or print a copy of the Advanced Resuscitation program course prerequisites.
View the Advanced Resuscitation Prerequisites |